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Old Poster

[ 作者来源:lunacore 编辑整理:PhotoShop资源网 更新时间: 2006-07-18 录入: 黄叶飞扬 ]

9. Add Text

Click on the Folds layer in Photoshop to make it the active layer.

Add a Layer Set by clicking on the Create a new set icon 按此在新窗口浏览图片in the layers palette.

按此在新窗口浏览图片Note: In Photoshop CS2 a Layer Set is called a Layer Group.

Rename the Layer Set to Text by clicking on its name in the layers palette.

Click on the Create a new layer icon按此在新窗口浏览图片in the layers palette to add a new layer. That layer is now part of the layer set/group.

Select the Horizontal Type tool 按此在新窗口浏览图片in the tool bar and press the letter D on your keyboard to make the foreground color black.

Select a thick font (I used Bernard MT Condensed) and type with capital letters: $2500 REWARD.

Click on the Create a new layer icon按此在新窗口浏览图片in the layers palette to add a new layer.
Type with capital letters (except for the word 'or'):

Click on the Create a new layer icon按此在新窗口浏览图片in the layers palette to add a new layer.
Type with capital letters:

Change the size of the text and align up the 3 lines of text until it looks a little like this:



When you're 100% sure that you're happy with the font, size and alignment of your text, right click (Control + click on the Mac) on the thumbnail of each text layer and select Rasterize Layer in the window that opens up.
Warning: after this the text wont be editable using the regular Horizontal Type tool.

Click once on the thumbnail of the Layer Set/Group in your layers palette to make it active and change its opacity to 60% to make the text look faded.

Click on the Add layer mask icon按此在新窗口浏览图片in the layers palette to add a layer mask to the layer set/group.

Go to the menu and select Filter / Noise / Add Noise... and enter an Amount of 40%, set Distribution to Uniform and check the box named Monochromatic and click OK:



This gives the text a look as if the ink didn't saturate the paper for 100% (old equipment):


Save your work first before you continue.

Note: By placing all text in a Layer Set/Group, we only needed a single adjustment to affect 3 layers at the same time.
We only needed to add one noise mask (3 if we hadn't used a Layer Set) and we only needed to chance the opacity once (3 times if we hadn't used a Layer Set). So this is a good example of some of the advantages of grouping layers in Photoshop.

The text still looks a bit too perfect. Click on the $2500 REWARD layer to make it the active layer.

Select in the menu Filter / Liquify and select the Forward Warp tool 按此在新窗口浏览图片and enter on the right side of the Liquify window a value of 50 for Brush Size (make sure that the other 2 values are the same as the ones in the screenshot):



Now slowly move parts of the text up, down, left or right. Only make small changes to avoid that you go overboard with your corrections (use the next screenshot as a guideline). Use the same Photoshop technique for the two other layers that contain text:


≡★ 免 责 声 明 ★≡



