Welcome to the 5th tutorial in a series teaching you how to make a realistic cd player. Make sre you have completed steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 bfore atepting this step.
The first step in this section is to make the small screen found on most cd players. To make this we are going to have to zoom in.
Now that we are zoomed in we can see how easy this step reall is. But, I am still going to do a quick outline on how I make it.
First I made a selection like the one below and filled it with dark gray.
Now i made a selection like the one below and filled it with a medium gray.
Again, making another selection to the other side, I filled this one with a light gray.
And finally selecting the bottum and filling it with a lighter gray.
Now zoom out and see what it really looks like.
Now, using the text tool i added some basic text that is found on most cd players.

Now you are almoust done, all that is left now is to make the cord! Lets go onto the last and final step...