Gill-Sans-字体下载,全套英文标准字体,Gill-Sans-fonts。全套字体39种。包含的具体字体有Gill Sans Bold Extra Condensed,Gill Sans Extra Bold Display,Gill Sans Light Shadowed,Gill Sans MT,Gill Sans MT Condensed,Gill Sans MT Condensed Gras,Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold,Gill Sans MT Extra Bold,Gill Sans MT Gras,Gill Sans MT Gras Italique,Gill Sans MT Italique,Gill Sans MT Light,Gill Sans MT Light Italic,Gill Sans MT Ultra Bold,Gill Sans MT Ultra Bold Cond,Gill Sans Shadowed,Gill Sans Ultra Bold,Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed,GillSansDisplayMTPro-BdCn,GillSansDisplayMTPro-Bold,GillSansDisplayMTPro-ExBd,GillSansMTPro-Bold,GillSansMTPro-BoldCondensed,GillSansMTPro-BoldExtCond,GillSansMTPro-BoldItalic,GillSansMTPro-Book,GillSansMTPro-BookItalic,GillSansMTPro-Condensed,GillSansMTPro-ExtraBold,GillSansMTPro-Heavy,GillSansMTPro-HeavyItalic,GillSansMTPro-Light,GillSansMTPro-LightItalic,GillSansMTPro-Medium,GillSansMTPro-MediumItalic,GillSansMTPro-UltraBold,GillSansMTPro-UltraBoldCond,GillSansShadowedMTPro-Light,GillSansShadowMTPro等字体下载!
Gill Sans is a humanist sans-serif typeface designed by Eric Gill.
The original design appeared in 1926 when Douglas Cleverdon opened his own bookshop in his home town of Bristol, where Eric Gill painted the fascia over the window in sans-serif capitals that would be later be known as Gill Sans. In addition, Gill had sketched a design for the publisher and bookseller Douglas Cleverdon, intended as a guide for Cleverdon to make future notices and announcements.
Gill further developed it into a complete font family after Stanley Morison commissioned the development Gill Sans to combat the families of Erbar, Futura and Kabel which were being launched in Germany during the latter 1920s. Gill Sans was later released in 1928 by Monotype Corporation.
Gill Sans became popular when in 1929 Cecil Dandridge commissioned Eric Gill to produce Gill Sans to be used on the London and North Eastern Railway for a unique typeface for all the LNER's posters and publicity material.
Gill was a well established sculptor, graphic artist and type designer, and the Gill Sans typeface takes inspiration from Edward Johnston’s Johnston typeface for London Underground, which Gill had worked on while apprenticed to Johnston. Eric Gill attempted to make the ultimate legible sans-serif text face. Gill Sans was designed to function equally well as a text face and for display. It is distributed as a system font in Mac OS X and is bundled with certain versions of Microsoft products as Gill Sans MT.