Adding a drop shadow
Using layer effects, it takes five seconds to add a drop shadow. However, since there are existing shadows in the photo, our new drop shadow needs to match them in color. Here's how you do it.
Step 9: Select the camera layer, and click the tiny cursive 'f' that lives at the bottom of the layers palette. Choose Drop Shadow.
Step 10: Tweak the Distance, Spread, and Size sliders to your heart's content. TIP: You can move the drop shadow around with your mouse in the document itself.
Step 11: Change the color of the drop shadow by clicking the color well to the right of the blend mode in the Layer Style dialog box.
Mouse over to the image and choose a portion of skin, and click OK.
Step 12: Back in the Layer Style dialog, I pumped up the shadow opacity to 100%.
Here's the finished product:
Just for fun, here are the other images I created for David, all found by searching for specific items such as braces, piercings, big teeth and sunglasses at All for a buck each!


Golden Tooth-Cam
