Select Burn tool (O) and then Dodge tool (O)

This picture shows where you should dodge and burn.
Brush size: 188px, 0% hardness
Range: Highlights
Exposure: 77%
Brush size: 188px, 0% hardness
Range: Highlights
Exposure: 100%

Make an selection that looks like this:

Select Gradient Tool (G)

Gradient Overlay Tool Options:
Linear Mode.
Mode: Hard Light
Opacity: 100%

Make a new layer "Shift+Ctrl+N"
Now drag the tool over like this:

Select the first layer and burn and dodge.

Dublicate the first layer

Select the first layer and go to "Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur"
Radius: 2,5 px
Now go to Layer style -> Gradient overlay

Looks like this? Then you have done it well.