Part One!
First. open an new document (CTRL+N)
400*400 pixels, RGB Color

Klick on "Elliptical Marquee Tool"

Make a round selection, as big as you want the orb

Press "CTRL+C" and then "CTRL+V"
Choose "Gradient Overlay"

Gradient Overlay Options
Blend mode: Normal
Opacity: 100%
Style: Linear
Angle: 90
Scale: 100

Press "OK"
Select (Layer 1) then go to "Select -> Transform Selection"

Transform the selection a few pixels by drag it into the middle and press "Shift+Ctrl and Alt"

Press "V" and copy and paste "CTRL+C and CTRL+V"
Go to Gradient Overlay.

Gradient Overlay Options (i choose a blue color)
Blend mode: Normal
Opacity: 100%
Style: Linear
Angle: 90
Scale: 100

Make a new layer under layer 1 and layer 2 and merge down them
By select Layer 1 and press "Ctrl+E"

It should look like this in your "Layers"