16. Again as in Step 4, hide the target layer (logo) and select the base layer (t-shirt).

17. Go back to the 'Channels Palette', and Select the 'Blue copy' channel.

18. Next go to 'Select/All' (Ctrl +A), then 'Edit/Copy' (Ctrl + C) to copy all the contents of the 'Blue copy' channel as a selection.

19. Then, go back to the 'Layers Pallet' and reselect the target (logo) layer.

20. Next create a new empty layer 'Shift + Ctrl + N' and in the 'New Layer' dialogue box that follows, tick the 'Group with Previous Layer' option.

21. This is what the 'Layers Palette' should look like now with the new empty grouped layer, stacked above and indented with the target layer (logo).

22. Now, 'Edit/Paste' the 'Blue copy' channel (from step 18) into this layer. Alternately, Ctrl + V keyboard shortcut works also.

23. Here's how it looks, so far. As you can see the contrast (what I was highlighting in Step 6) blends nicely with the actual folds into the t-shirt.
Now we need to bring back the color of the target layer (logo) without losing this nice blend.

24. To bring back the color, have the target layer (grouped layer) selected, and from the 'Layer's Blending Mode List' choose one that best does this. I used 'Hard Light' to give me the final result as shown below. But in fact, any one of the 'Soft/Hard/Vivid/Linear/Pin Light' modes gives interesting results. If desired reduced the Opacity of this layer just enough to eliminate some of the harshness in the folds.

25. The final image.

Here are some other samples using this technique.
