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Turning Portrait Into Stone Statue

[ 作者来源:dphotojournal 编辑整理:PhotoShop资源网 更新时间: 2006-08-01 录入: 黄叶飞扬 ]


In this tutorial we’re going to show you how you can make a statue from a portrait. All you need is a close up photo of a woman/man face and a photo of stone texture.

<aPhotoshop-tutorial-making-a-stone src="/UpLoadFiles/Article/2006-8/060402140677731.jpg">

Got them? Let’s get started then..

Step1. Open your face photo (file>open or ctrl+o)

Step 2. Desaturate your photo. Here’s the easy way: image>adjustments>desaturate or shift+control+u

<aPhotoshop-tutorial-making-a-stone src="/UpLoadFiles/Article/2006-8/060402140677732.jpg">

Step 3. Open your stone texture file, and drag it into your face photo. Change the layer blend mode to multiply.

<aPhotoshop-tutorial-making-a-stone src="/UpLoadFiles/Article/2006-8/060402140677733.jpg">

Step 4. Now you’ll need to eliminate the eyes. using your pen tool draw a path around her left eye.

<aPhotoshop-tutorial-making-a-stone src="/UpLoadFiles/Article/2006-8/060402140677734.jpg">

Step 5. Use the clone tool and select an area of the stone texture as your source and clone it around the eye. Go to curve adjustment and play around with the curve to adjust her new eye brightness/contrast. Choose your blur tool, and smooth the edges of the new eye. Here’s what I come up with:

<aPhotoshop-tutorial-making-a-stone src="/UpLoadFiles/Article/2006-8/060402140677735.jpg">

Step 6. Now repeat step 5 to do the right eye.

<aPhotoshop-tutorial-making-a-stone src="/UpLoadFiles/Article/2006-8/060402140677736.jpg">

Step 7. To make the eye more three dimensional: create new layer, change the blend mode to ‘linear burn’ and change the opacity to around 20-30%. Choose the brush tool and choose black foreground color. Start to burn the area around the eyes with your brush tool. Play around with your opacity to get the perfect result. Here’s mine:

<aPhotoshop-tutorial-making-a-stone src="/UpLoadFiles/Article/2006-8/060402140677737.jpg">

Step 8. To add three dimensional effect to your statue: Create new layer, choose gradient tool, set radial gradient, white to black and apply it to your new layer.

<aPhotoshop-tutorial-making-a-stone src="/UpLoadFiles/Article/2006-8/060402140677738.jpg">

Step 9. Change the blend mode to linear burn, and play around with the opacity for your desired result.

<aPhotoshop-tutorial-making-a-stone src="/UpLoadFiles/Article/2006-8/060402140677739.jpg">

So here she is with her new look..

<aPhotoshop-tutorial-making-a-stone src="/UpLoadFiles/Article/2006-8/0604021406777310.jpg">

≡★ 免 责 声 明 ★≡



