Windows have entered the world of beautiful and aesthetic interface graphics with windows XP. The icons styles have set a trend for designing front end elements. In this tutorial we'll try to create an iconic graphic in windows XP style.
Start by creating a rectangle using rectangle tool. Use some pastel color like shown below. |
Using polygon tool and setting sides to 3 at the top bar, create a triangle. Make it same color as rectangle. |
Take direct selection tool, click on any side nodes of triangle and place it exactly on top of the rectangle. |
Using "add anchor point tool" add two nodes near the top node of triangle. |
Using "convert point tool" click n drag top node to make angular node to curve node. |
Adjust the nodes with direct selection tool till you achieve a nice rounded corner. |
Double click triangle layer to open its layer style window. Apply gradient overlay and create gradient with two colors as shown. |
In a new layer create another triangle. |
Similarly apply gradient overlay but this time use a sky blue to white gradient. |
Create a copy of this layer and from edit menu select transform path >> flip horizontal. |
Create duplicate of the first rectangle layer and place it above all layers. |

Using direct selection tool adjust the position of its top two nodes and move them to positions shown below. |
Apply gradient overlay of skyblue to white as explained above. |
Using line tool create outlines of our envelope with dark shade of skyblue. |
To the triangle layer apply stroke of blue color with stroke width of 2. |
After applying stroke to triangle right click on fx icon on triangle layer and select "create layers". |
This will create a seperate layer for stroke effect for triangle. Use lasso tool and select the stroke from the bottom of the triangle. |
Press delete to remove bottom stroke of the triangle.. |
Finally we have an envelope icon like this. |
Save your file as xpicon01.psd at this step.
Now in layer window link all layers except white background and clcik Ctrl+E to merge all layers to one. |
Now we have only two layers; one white background and other with an envelope. |
Using custom shape tool create an arrow icon ina new layer. |
Use Ctrl + T and rotate to adjust the position of arrow shape. |
Double click arrow layer and apply bevel & emboss, stroke, drop shadow and gradient overlay using settings shown. |
Link this arrow layer with envelope layer and press Ctrl+E to merge these layers. At this stage it would be wise to save as your file as xpicon02.psd |
From filter menu select lokas software >> 3D maker. Download plugin here. |
Adjust settings for 3d Maker as shown. |
Using 3d make we added a perspective to the envelope design.
Double click this layer to open layer style window. Apply drop shadow as shown. Save your file as xpicon03.psd |
Our windows XP style iconic graphic is ready. |