Create a rounded rectangle using rounded rectangular shape tool. We used a corner radius of 10. |
Press Ctrl+T. Rotate it. |
With Alt key pressed keep hitting Up arrow key many times. |
Except the top layer select all other layers in layer window. Press Ctrl+E to merge. Enable lock transparent pixel in layer window and fill with a yellow color. |
Select the top layer and fill with a lighter shade of yellow. |
Double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply layer style with the settings shown. |
Create a rectangular selection using rectangular marquee tool. |
Create a new layer. Apply a black to white to black gradient in linear mode. |
Change the layer mode to screen. |
Create another selection using polygon lasso tool. |
Create a new layer. Fill with a brown to white gradient in linear mode. |
Change the layer mode to multiply. |
Using pen tool create a handle for the lock. Duplicate layer. |
Ctrl+Click the layer thumbnail to get the selection. From select menu click modify>>contract. Enter 1 pixel. Fill with a white color. |
Erase the right portion using eraser tool with a soft rounded brush setting. |
Similarly create another duplicate of the handle layer. Get the selection. Contract and fill with black color. Remove left portion using eraser tool. |
Create an ellipse using elliptical shape tool. Fill with dark brown color. |
Duplicate and place both ellipses at the cross section of lock and handle. Move the ellipse layers below the handle layer in layer window. |
Create a circle using elliptical shape tool. |
Create a rounded rectangle using rounded rectangle shape tool. Place both shapes together to create a key hole. |
Scale down and rotate. Place as shown in the image below. |
Select and merge all layers together. Double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply layer style with the settings shown. |
Create a elliptical selection using elliptical marquee tool. Press Ctrl+Alt+D to feather the selection. |
Create a new layer and fill with gray color. Move the layer below the lock layer. |