Creating PRINGLES logo
[ 作者来源:photoshopbuddy
更新时间: 2006-08-01
录入: 黄叶飞扬 ]
Create a new layer. Select a 3 pixel hard brush. In path window click on stroke path with brush button. |
Create a black rectangle below the mascot. Type "PRINGLES" with yellow color. |
Select and merge the rectangle and the text layer. Create a rectangular selection using rectangular marquee tool to cover only "GLES" from "PRINGLES". Press Ctrl+Shift+J to cut and paste the selection in a new layer. |
Select the layer containing first half of the rectangle with text. Press Ctrl+T. Right click the layer and select perspective. Get the shape shown below by dragging the handles. |
Similarly select the layer with other half of the logo and warp as done in previous step. |
Select all layers. Press Ctrl+T and rotate in anti-clockwise direction. |