Open your image you want to make sepia. Here is mine:

Now using any selection tool you want (I used lasso tool and deleted the unwanted part - you can use extract tool, color range, anything that suits you), remove the parts you don't want. It's possible that you skip this step. Here is mine:

Now add a new adjustment layer - hue/saturation over your original image layer. It's time to make the sepia. In the hue/saturation menu put these values: Hue:37, Saturation: 25, Lightness: 21

Now make a new layer and place it under your image layer. Fill it with a light brown color. I used #b39970.

Now duplicate the brown layer and move it on top of the layers like in my example. Add to it a white layer mask.

With this layer selected, choose a big brush and start painting with black over the layer mask:

After you made visible the center, like I did, put the layer in multiply mode from blending options.