We'll start by creating some balloons first. Create an ellipse shape in a new file. Use pastel colors. |
Duplicate this layer. Apply white to transparent linear gradient and scale down a little bit. Also reduce opacity. |
Change color mode of duplicate layer to screen. |
Create reflections on ballon to make it more realistic. Use pen tool to create a shape as shown. Fill with white color. |
Create another small shape below this shape using pen tool. |
Change color mode of both shape layers to soft light. |
using pen tool create lid of the balloon. |
Select all layers. press Ctrl+E to merge these layers. Create a duplicate of this merged layer to make additional balloons. Scale or/and rotate to make this ballon a bit different from the first one. |
From image menu select adjust>>hue/saturation. Apply settings as shown. |
Similarly create another balloon. change its hue and rotate to the other site. |
In a new layer draw hang some strings to balloons using pencil tool. |
To the background layer add a nice radial gradient. |
Create another layer. Apply a different gradient on this layer. |
From filter menu select pixelate>>color halftone. |
Change layer mode of this layer to overlay. |
Type "You Are Invited" in a new layer with a fancy font. |
A kids party invitation card is ready to print. |