Dynamite Sticks
[ 作者来源:primematters
更新时间: 2006-08-01
录入: 黄叶飞扬 ]
Step 1 Start out with a 400 x 300 black canvas, bigger is better because you have more space to work with. Make a new layer set named Dynamite and a new layer inside this layer set. Select the line tool and edit the weight option to 30px. You can find the weight settings at the top of your window when the line tool is selected. First we have to draw the case, Instead of red dynamite were going with a brown colored case, #B08E68. Hold shift when creating the line so its in a slanted position.
Step 2 Go to Layer > Layer styles and edit the following settings:
Note: The image I used for pattern overlay came with
Photoshop 7.0.
Click here to download if you don't have it.
Satin: - Blend Mode: Color Dodge + Color: B08E68 - Opacity: 64 - Angle: 42 - Distance: 16 - Size: 9 Contour: Default + Anti-aliased: Uncheck + Invert: Check |
Gradient Overlay: - Blend Mode: Color Burn - Opacity: 60 - Gradient: Default + Reverse: Check - Style: Reflected + Align with Layer: Check - Angle: 44 - Scale: 10
Pattern Overlay: - Blend Mode: Soft light - Opacity: 20 - Pattern: Picture below - Scale: 23 - Link with Layer: Check

Step 3 Create a new layer named Line Detail then select Elliptical Marquee tool and draw a semi-flat circle. Stroke the selection by going to Edit > Stroke > Color: #FFFFFF. Head over to the Layers
menu and highlight the Case layer, You should be able to edit the Case now instead of the Line Detail layer. Go to Select > Load Select > Everything Default but check Invert. While the outside of the Case is selected, Select the Line Detail layer from the layer
menu and go to Edit > Cut to cut out the lines outside the case. Add black stroke to the white line and change the opacity level to 10%.

Step 4 Duplicate the line detail layer multiple times and position it as you see below.

Step 5 Create a new layer and name it cap. Use the Elipse tool to make a flat circle, make sure you have
Paths selected instead of shape layers or fill pixels. Once you draw a flat circle go to edit > transform path > rotate. Elipse tool must be selected or else you cant work with the transform path. Rotate it so it fits with the case, if you draw the flat circle to big, that can be easily adjust by resizing through transform path. Fill path #B08E68 and add this layer style settings:
Gradient Overlay: - Blend Mode: Color Burn - Opacity: 48 - Gradient: Default + Reverse: Check - Style: Radial + Align with Layer: Check - Angle: 180 - Scale: 109

Stroke: - Size: 1 - Position: Outside - Blend Mode: Normal - Opacity: 15 - Fill Type: Color + Color: #FFFFFF
Step 6 Add "Dynamite" text to the case. I'm using Minion font, regular, size 12 pt, smooth and #000000. When you type your text, rotate it through Edit > Transform > Rotate. Once you have the text in duplicate the dynamite layer set and position it next to the original.

Step 8 Now were going to wrap gray tape around the dynamites. First set the foreground color to #D1B38F, select the line tool and edit the weight to 50px. In a new layer draw a #D1B38F 50px slanted line from the original dynamite to the duplicate. Remember to hold shift when drawing the line so its straight.

Step 9 Add the following layer styles:
Note: The image I used for pattern overlay came with
Photoshop 7.0.
Click here to download if you don't have it.
Satin: - Blend Mode: Color Burn + Color: #000000 - Opacity: 14 - Angle: 96 - Distance: 12 - Size: 21 Contour: Picture Below + Anti-aliased: Uncheck + Invert: Check

Gradient Overlay: - Blend Mode: Hard Light - Opacity: 100 - Gradient: Default + Reverse: Check - Style: Reflected + Align with Layer: Check - Angle: 42 - Scale: 65
Color Overlay: - Blend Mode: Color + Color: #FFFFFF - Opacity: 100
Drop Shadow: - Blend Mode: Multiply - Color: #000000 - Opacity: 63 - Angle: 25 - Use Global Light: Check - Distance: 5 - Spread: 0 - Size: 13 - Contour: Default + Anti-aliased: Uncheck - Noise: 0
Pattern Overlay: - Blend Mode: Hard light - Opacity: 100 - Pattern: Picture below - Scale: 7 - Link with Layer: Check
Tips I suggest adding one more dynamite behind the two and another set of gray tape. If you set the opacity level of the gray tape to 48%, you get a realistic tape effect.

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