Make your dull doodles look even cooler with this WoW-like concept art technique. You only need to change the background and the mood it set!
Upgrade your Art
Transform those dull drawings into real masterpieces!
Step 1 Get out your drawing and make sure it's drawn on a white piece of paper;

Step 2 Create a new layer ABOVE your drawing and make a gradient with the colors #D8AA54 and #F2D088;

Step 3 Go to Filter>Render>Clouds with the preset colors #593827 and #F2D088;

Step 4 Go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise and add a small amount of noise to the cloud-layer;

Step 5 Lower the opacity of the cloud layer a LITTLE bit;

Step 6 With the color #593827, create a border by making a square and cutting out a square;

Step 7 Place the drawing on top of it all, but BENEATH THE BORDER-Layer;

Step 8 Set it to multiply and press CTRL+U and add these settings to make it look perfect!