In this tutorial i will show you how to make those all popular gell shapes.
First off , make your shape, and then fill it with a Liniar gradient, with a light, and dark blue color. Make sure the darker blue is on the top.

Now, keep your selection, and make a new layer. Deselect half of your shape, leaving the top half selection. Then change your forground to white, and change your gradient to Liniar and choose Forground to Transparent. Then fill your selection making sure that it fades light to transparent from top to bottum. Then do a a Gausianblurr until it looks like the image below. (you may want to lower your white gradient to give it some depth)

Now we are going to add a reflection. So make a new layer inbetween your white gradient layer, and blue gradient layer. Then choose a picture to reflect, and past it into your selection

And your done, Now just continue adding detiales, untill you are satisfied. Here is my ending image

Took me a few minutes to add the other gradients, maybe ill cover it in another tutorial.