When you have a screencapture of bad quality, what do you do? Find another? NO, you remake it even better. Use this tutorial to RE-draw you favorite cartoons to give them that vector look you always wanted! It will now look better ;)
Tracing Anime
Learn how to trace a bad screencapture of Anime-series...
Step 1 Open a new document with a screencapture of a cartoon-serie that was on tv;

Step 2 For this, you're gonna need the Pen-Tool for this tutorial, so know how to use that first!
First select a standard black 3px brush, and draw with the Pen-Tool the OUTER lines only;

Step 3 Then select a 2px black brush and do the rest of the lines;

Step 4 Then, get a brush and draw the eyes;

Step 5 Create a new background, or just remake the background like I did...

Step 6 Start coloring under the lines;

Step 7 Make sure everything has the basic color that you got with the Eyedropper;

Step 8 And place every color on a NEW layer;

Step 9 Use the Pen-Tool to select all the areas that are dark, and fill that with a darker color ON A NEW LAYER!

Step 10 Do the same with the extreme shadows;

Step 11 You can also add lightning by selecting a lighter color then the base-color and draw shine-lines on the places that are exposed to sunlight;

Step 12 Finish everything qua shading, and you're done!