Now, make another layer. Again, go to edit> stroke, but this time choose a width of 2 px, and the color white. Use the settings below:
Now that we have our white outline, we are going to erase the white outline from the parts that the light would not be hitting your text. Sapose to the light is comming from the top left, in that case we are going to delete the white outline in left center of the O and the right outside.
To do this, take your polygon selection tool, and make a selection like the one below. And press delete.
Now make a selection like the one below, and again press delete.
Now you should have an image like the one below.
Now, we are going to move the white outline. Move your outline, just slightly to the right, so it looks like mine below:
Now we got it position right, but it still looks a little chpy doesnt it? So, we are going to smooth out the edges. Zoom in by press control & +
Use your eraser tool to blend in the white outline like I have done in my selection below.
Do this to all end of the line.
Now are text is starting to look good. You should have something very similar to the text below:
Now I went back down to the original text layer, and darken a few spots to add a little contrast. You can do this as you see fit, I just added some darkness were the light wouldnot be hitting the image. Most likely around the areas were we have deleted the white outlie.
Now, do give it just a little more life I have added a little reflection of white. Just to make it a little more glossy. It is barely noticible now, but it does make a difference. To do this, make a new layer above all your previous ones. Load you saved selection and fill it with white. Lower the opasit of your layer to 15% and moove it a ittle to the right.
Now, make a new layer under your first layer. Load your saved selection once again and fill it with a dark blue. Now position to like the picture below:
Now go to filter> blur> gausian blur and set it to 4
You should now have an image like the one below.
Now I just added a little to the background to make it moreinteresting and we are all done!