In this tutorial i will show you how to make a normal picture look like a cool stone statue, in a grungy sort of way.
First thing you need is your picuter, you an use mine if you want for practise.

Next you will need your texture. Any stone texture will do, i will be useing the one below

Now, on your first layer, insert your picture. ow make a layer above your picture, and fill it with your texture, by copying and pasting it untill it totally fill up the body of the person. Then set your image to gray-scale. To set your image to gray-scale, go to image>mode>gray scale and choose "dont flatten"

Now, make your texture filled layer to "overlay" mode. Then duplicate your overlayed layer, one or two times, depending on how rocky you want your image to be
when your done yuo should have something like this

Now with a little more work, you can have your-self a nice image. As you can see, the image below is using the smae efect, but i just added a little more detials.