Create 3D Fruit Bowl With Illustrator CS2
[ 作者来源:Nick La/ndesign-studio
更新时间: 2006-07-22
录入: 黄叶飞扬 ]
8. Adjust 3D Revolve setting
Select the red apple (oval path only), in your Appearance pallate, double click the 3D Revolve effect icon to adjust the options/setting. If your Appearance is not showing, select menu Window > Appearance or press Shift+F6.

3D Revolve Options
Now, your 3D Revolve Options window should pop out. Enter the following value(X=57 Y=63 Z=-159). You can change the rotation values manually by entering the numbers or by dragging the cube on the left.

9. Fix the apple's basin
Notice the basin is slightly off from the apple after you changed the rotation values from previous step. Move the basin stroke to center of the apple by using the Selection Tool or Direct Selection Tool.

10. Add one more apple
Make one more apple by repeating Step 7 to 9.

11. Put them together
Put the apples and the bowl together as shown. Draw a oval shape path, base on the shape of the bowl.

12. Mask the apples
Select the the apples and oval path only, go to menu Clipping Mask > Make or press Ctrl+7

13. Final
That's it! Your illustration should look like the image below: