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3D Text

[ 作者来源:AlienProdigy/pictual 编辑整理:PhotoShop资源网 更新时间: 2006-07-18 录入: 黄叶飞扬 ]

Create a clean 3d text in photoshop!

Step One:
Create an 800 x 600 document. Now lets make a background, lets make it white, make sure your foreground is white, by pressing X. To fill your entire background with white just simply hold ALT+BACKSPACE and this should fill your background with white.

Step Two:
Now lets add some text. Keep your colors on white because you need a white text for this to work, if you want type out what you want in black THEN change the color to white after. Now apply these effects in the Blending Options(Right Click on the text layer and select blending options):



Step Three:
Now lets rasterize this layer(Right click on the layer, then select Rasterize. Now lets transform with a perspective, look at my example below to see how to transform it correctly:


Step Four:
Now lets make this text look more real shall we? Lets duplicate this layer seven times(Hold CTRL+ALT+DOWN[The down arrow on your keyboard]) and it should look more 3dish. Now click on the bottom layer right above your background, create a new layer underneath this layer(CTRL+N) and then Use the Control Click Trick(Hold CTRL and click on the layer above your new layer) to make a selection. Now, lets feather this selection(CTRL+ALT+D) and set the feather to five. Fill this layer with black(Set foreground to black by pressing D). This should create a shadow layer, set the opacity to about 75% and then nudge it DOWN(Press the DOWN arrow on your keyboard) six times and RIGHT 4 times.



Step Five:
We're almost done. Now to create a more metal like look. Let's create a new layer ABOVE the top layer in your layers pallet. Use the Control Click Trick I taught you in the last step and do this to the top layer, now set your background color to grey(I chose #5A5A5A but its up to you) and now lets do a gradient(G). In your selection drag from TOP to BOTTOM of the selection. This should look better.


Step Six:
Now lets merge the DUPLICATED layers(Link them together and hold CTRL+E [Look in my example below]) Now its time to duplicate this layer and drag it below the shadow layer, lower the opacity to 54 and nudge this layer DOWN nine times.


Step Seven: Now we are about done, lets add a text below this entire 3d look to make this picture look professional(In its own way). Your done! Feel free to add a few things here and there. Thats what I always do, hope you enjoyed the tutorial!


I hope you enjoyed my tutorial.

≡★ 免 责 声 明 ★≡



